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I have enough. I am enough. I embrace abundance.

Imagine being able to center yourself from a mindset that who you are and what you have in life is enough for you to be happy. That having all the money possible is no longer a driver for leading a fulfilled life. Feels freeing, doesn’t it? A life of abundance is possible — and waiting for you. Conscious Wealth can be your way forward.

Young couple sitting on a couch looking at an ipad together; smiling and happy

Deepen your family’s money conversations

At The Center for Conscious Wealth®, we help people engage in meaningful conversations about money and overcome challenges holding them back from harmony. We work with families, business partners, and individuals to awaken an abundance mindset and unlock prosperity and unity for the future.


Reframe what wealth means to you

Conscious Wealth illustrates a new mindset around money and a framework for investing that’s also a call for reform in the financial services industry. Sharing lessons learned during his own journey, author Brandon Hatton helps readers develop a healthy relationship with money and awaken a life of abundance.

Conscious Wealth Book front cover standing up
Conscious Wealth Conversations card game box and single card

Make talking about money fun

Talking with your family about money is essential. But let’s face it — these conversations can be tough. Conscious Wealth Conversations is a card game to facilitate productive and meaningful financial discussions. The aim is to uncover what money means to you as a family and unite around common goals that help you cultivate abundance.

Transforming Money into Conscious Wealth®

Awaken a new way to lead

Transforming Money Into Conscious Wealth is a senior-level coaching course that offers a new way to live and lead with purpose. Four modules explore the key themes of Abundance, Purpose, Impact, and Unity. By learning how to reframe what wealth means, you can remove what exhausts you and infuse what fulfills you. From this mindset, you become a more effective leader — living a more satisfied life.

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Module 1 — Cultivating Abundance

In this module, we explore Abundance — the belief that “I have enough.”

Module 2 — Awakening Purpose

In this module, we explore Purpose — the knowing of significance and worth.

Module 3 — Creating Impact

In this module, we explore Impact — the effect of our actions and decisions.

Module 4 — Fostering Unity

In this module, we explore Unity — the concept of universal connection.

Keep up with Conscious Wealth

Want to continue learning how to apply Conscious Wealth within your life and your finances? Being Enough is our ongoing communication series. Sign up, subscribe, and share!

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Brandon & JP discuss the 2024 Gold Rally

Welcome to our monthly market insights video with JP and Brandon! In this video series, we explore the latest trends shaping the market landscape, offering commentary and analysis.

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Alts, Alts and more Alts

Alternative Investments (Alts) is one of those things that more people feel they need than those who understand them or the history behind them. In this video, Brandon presses records and talks about Alts for almost an hour. It will provide some background, definitions and some of the marketing ploys to make you want more than you may actually 'need.'

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How to Read Your Statement

One of most complicated we do in the financial industry is make monthly statements for our clients. It is no wonder that clients turn to their account portal to find performance, but that is rife with pitfalls too. In this video, we explain to our clients how to track their investments and where to find the quarterly reports. And if all else fails, call us.

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Conscious Wealth Investing: 2023 Market Wrap-Up!

JP and Brandon gives you a stock market prediction for 2023! Yes, you read that right: they discuss how the market has moved this year, how bonds have changed and transformed into an asset (portfolio management, amirite?), and how this year did in comparison to how it was last year. Watch it now!

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The Disproportionate SP500 and NASCAR

JP and Brandon discuss the disproportionate growth of the S&P 500 index, which is heavily influenced by the contributions of only four companies. They also compare the S&P 500 and NASDAQ stock indexes and emphasize the importance of having a balanced and diversified portfolio.

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